If you find yourself at a loss for blog ideas and staring at a blank WordPress template for hours at a time, you’re doing this blog thing wrong! You need a consistent resource of blog ideas to draw from so that you literally never run out of ideas again.
I am going to help you avoid blogger’s block and stay current with your content, get the clicks you want, and attract people to your blog. That’s right, folks! We’re going to learn how to be interesting on the internet (which was my working title for this post).
Here are a few ideas for blog posts that will keep your readers entertained/informed/enlightened/interested or whatever else you want.
The “Controversial” Post
And by “controversial,” I mean “unexpected.” For example, you might write a blog called “How I Grew My Business and Still Slept Until 11.” These posts get clicks because they pose a mini-mystery. Why would someone take that stance? Is it really possible to sleep until 11 and still be successful? (No, but is it? Can someone get back to me on this?)
The Interview Post
These posts are automatically fresh because you’re bringing a new voice to your blog. It could be a peer or mentor in your industry, your mom, or even your puppy. Whoever you choose to interview, try to learn something about the person that other people might not know. Another fun trick with these kinds of posts is to ask your readers what they would ask this person. (see the Bonus for more)
The “Successful People” Post
If you haven’t visited Maria Popova’s flawless gem of a website Brain Pickings, I don’t even know what you’re doing. She often posts interesting, intimate details about the lives and philosophies of famous writers and artists like Toni Morrison’s morning routine and John Steinbeck’s personal journals. I can’t think of a blog that couldn’t use this type of post. If you specialize in health and wellness, why not post something about the Dalai Lama’s favorite snack? People love reading about the habits of famous people, so give the people what they want!
The Seasonal Post
These posts keep you on the same page with your readership. Write a tribute to your mom and moms everywhere on Mother’s Day. Give the readers your favorite sangria recipe when it’s boiling hot outside. Pen a short essay on back-to-school for grown-ups in September. These posts may be trendy, but they get attention, so check the calendar for inspiration!
The “A Little About Me” Post
This may seem obvious, but when you blog, you are your brand. The readers want to know a little more about you! It doesn’t have to be a therapy session, just give them a little something they might not know about you. (A little about me? I hate raisins. I could write a whole blog about the duplicitous raisin.) The key is to make your “about me” relatable to your readership. Let them see your flaws and they will automatically become more interested.
Bonus: Engage your readers!
If all else fails, ask your readers what they want to know! Thanks to the Internet, you can poll your readers about their interests and keep them engaged in your creative process. They’ll feel more invested in your blog and you’ll never run out of ideas. It’s a win-win!
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Dusti Arab, Fractional CMO
And the founder of the reinvention co, a marketing consultancy specializing in working with personality-driven companies with small teams.
Intense, fun, and relentlessly practical, Dusti understands the lives of small business owners are deeply intertwined with their businesses, and if their marketing is going to be sustainable, it can't get in the way of why they do what they do. (And honestly? It should be fun so they actually want to do it.)
She is the host of Referral Worthy, a podcast for small business owners ready to go from "best kept secret" to the go-to name in their niche.