How to increase Instagram followers (and spend less time on social media)
When you’re running a business, keeping up with Instagram posts and increasing your following might seem like it could take up a whole mess of your time. It might not always seem like it takes very long, but if you post daily or several times a day, those minutes add up. And if you’ve been…
How to use Canva to create free social media images
Creating great looking social media images in Canva is easy! We’ll show you how… First you need to source your image. They say an image speaks a thousand words, so you need to find an image that will convey your message. You may already have the image you want to use, but more often than…
How to (easily) advertise your webinar
Congratulations! You have a fantastic idea for a webinar and you are taking the steps to make it happen! You are going to #breaktheinternet with this webinar! But first, you have to tell people about your fabulous webinar. This post is going to show you how to create images for social media and email…
How to Master the Facebook Ad and get Real Results
“Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people.” William Butler Yeats There’s more to creating a Facebook ad than simply crossing your t’s and dotting your i’s. We’ll get to the basics below, because nuts and bolts hold the machine together, but first, let’s talk communication. One of the…